Monday, March 8, 2010

I know 13 "human" words!!!

Guess What. I now know 13 "human" words! And I know them well enough to obey them the 1st time mommy asks me to. Mommy says she is soo proud of me. I am now 8 month old and have been with mommy for 2 1/2 months.
The words I know are.
"Sit". That means to put my butt on the ground
"Come". That means to go to mommy and if Daddy calls I goto him too.
"Let's go".... We are going somewhere fun!
" wait". That means to stay right were I am untill I hear the next word.
"Ok Let's Go". This is a funny one. Mommy says it after she says "wait" when she open the door of the car and graps her bag and my leash. Then I get to hop out of the car and go with mommy.
"Bunny"... My favorite toy.. a bunny rabbit
"outside"... mommy says this when she wants to know if I want to go outside to play or to "Doodle"
"Doodle". Do I have to say what this is? ewww
" Under". This means to go under the chair where mommy is and either sit or lay down. I get to choose what to so as long as I am "under" the chair.
"NO". STOP RIGHT NOW. what ever I was doing or I am going to be in big trouble.
" aaaaaakkkkk". Ok this is a noise but it means to stop what I am doing. If I don't listen to this then the next word is NO and I am in big trouble so I try and listen . I hate being in trouble
"uhhuhhh".... means Try again. I didn't quite do something mommy wants.
"Good Girl"..... This means I am the best beagle puppy in the whole wide world!!!! I love to hear these words!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Got to go to CHURCH

All this time mommy has not been letting me go to Church with her. Well Guess what. I got to go today!!!!! Mommy was having one of her hard days so daddy said " let's take Sally". Go Daddy!!. Well mommy said " hmmm Ok". YES I have been wanting to go soo bad. Well when we got to church daddy put my blanket under mommy's chair and mommy said " under". I layed on my blanket the entire service. Well almost. One time I thought it was time to go but mommy tugged on my leash and pointed back to my blanket. But only one time!! Other wise I was on my blanket and didn't make a noise the entire time.
Mommy said she was very proud of me and I was a very good girl!!